Hospice is a special concept of care focused on providing comfort, pain relief, and support to those faced with a terminal illness or nearing the end of life. Our approach to care is designed to serve the mind, body, and spirit by providing comfort, pain relief, and support to those nearing the end of life. Our trained team and broad network of experienced providers facilitate compassionate, comprehensive care with:
Staying connected to family and loved ones has never been more important for those facing a terminal illness. Constellation’s qualified professionals provide compassionate care that focuses on comfort and quality of life. We offer personalized health services, innovative technology solutions, and arange of support services from wherever you or your loved one calls home.
We surround patients with the care and tailored support to best meet each individual’s unique situation. In addition to our Complete Care offerings, our hospice specialty care includes, but is not limited to, treating the following conditions:
Designed to provide an environment of comfort and safety for those living with Alzheimer’s and dementia who have declined cognitive abilities that impair daily life and independent function.
Managed pain relief for cancer patients who typically experience pain and nausea, can be sensitive to the discomfort of needles, and often have a very high tolerance to pain medications in general from years of taking them.
Focused effort on reducing risk of falls due to heart disease symptoms that can include hypertension, cardiac fatigue, shortness of breath, edema, and poor perfusion leading to muscle burning or cramping.
Improved fear of anxiety caused by symptoms of lung disease—shortness of breath, dyspnea on exertion, and air hunger—that can make it difficult to perform and find joy in daily tasks.
To support our integrative approach to hospice, we have developed a number of evidence-based initiatives to best serve our patients and their families.
We believe that when a person feels seen beyond their medical condition, their quality of life and relationships are enhanced. As part of our Complete Care Solution for hospice, we practice soothing through the senses by using an integrative and holistic approach. We are able to provide our patients experiences that bring comfort, joy, and wholeness.
Our compassionate professionals are equipped to support veterans emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It is our duty and privilege to serve the heroes that served our country. For that reason, we offer a four-step process to recognize veterans as part of our hospice services.